
Extract Numbers from Strings in Excel Easily

How To Extract Numbers From A String In Excel

Excel, known for its robust features in data manipulation, often presents users with the challenge of dealing with mixed data types, especially when numbers are intertwined with text. Whether you're managing financial spreadsheets, compiling data entries, or sorting through logs, extracting just the numeric values from strings can be crucial for further analysis or reporting. This guide walks through several methods to achieve this with ease and efficiency.

Using Text to Columns

One of the most intuitive methods to extract numbers from strings in Excel involves the Text to Columns feature:

  • Select the column containing your mixed data.
  • Go to the Data tab on the Ribbon and click on ‘Text to Columns’.
  • Choose ‘Delimited’ if your numbers are separated by characters like commas or spaces, or ‘Fixed Width’ if they are consistently aligned.
  • In the next step, define your delimiters or split points, then preview your data to ensure it’s being split correctly.
  • Click ‘Finish’ to split your data into separate columns.

📝 Note: This method is particularly useful for data where the numbers follow a consistent pattern or are delimited in a predictable way.

Using Functions to Extract Numbers

Excel provides several functions that can help isolate numbers from mixed text:


For strings where the position of numbers is predictable:

  • To extract numbers from the left:
     =LEFT(A1, FIND(” “, A1)-1) 
    where A1 contains “123 apples 50”.
  • To extract from the right:
     =RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1) - FIND(” “, A1, FIND(” “, A1)+1)) 
    if the text contains “apple 123 count 50”.
  • For extracting a number in the middle:
     =MID(A1, FIND(” “, A1)+1, FIND(” “, A1, FIND(” “, A1)+1)-FIND(” “, A1)-1) 
    where “apple 123 count 50” is in A1.


If you need to get all digits from a string:

 =LEN(A1) - LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1, CHAR(65), “”)) 

This counts the difference in length when you remove all alphabetic characters from your text.

Advanced Formula to Extract All Numbers

For situations where the numbers can appear at any position or be multiple sets within the string, consider this formula:


This formula uses a combination of functions to locate, extract, and concatenate all numeric values in a string.

📝 Note: Array formulas might require CSE (Ctrl + Shift + Enter) to work correctly in older versions of Excel.

VBA Macros

If you’re dealing with a large dataset, or you need to automate the extraction process, VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) macros are a powerful tool:

Sub ExtractNumbers()
    Dim cell As Range
    For Each cell In Selection
        cell.Value = Extract_Number(cell.Value)
    Next cell
End Sub

Function Extract_Number(str As String) As String
    Dim regex As Object, matches As Object
    Set regex = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    regex.Pattern = "\d+"
    regex.IgnoreCase = True
    Set matches = regex.Execute(str)
    If matches.Count > 0 Then
        Extract_Number = matches(0).Value
        Extract_Number = ""
    End If
End Function

This macro iterates through selected cells and uses a regular expression to extract the first number found in each cell.

📝 Note: Ensure macros are enabled in your Excel settings to run this VBA code.

Extracting numbers from strings in Excel can streamline your data handling processes, making your spreadsheets more powerful tools for data analysis. Whether you opt for simple text-to-columns splitting or dive into VBA programming, Excel offers various solutions to fit different scenarios. Always consider the volume and complexity of your data when choosing the best method. By mastering these techniques, you'll be able to manipulate and analyze your data more effectively, ultimately making better-informed decisions based on the insights derived from your spreadsheets.

Can I extract numbers from strings in Excel without losing the original data?


Yes, you can extract numbers without altering your original data by inserting new columns next to the existing data or copying the original data to another location before performing extraction methods.

Are there any Excel functions that can separate text from numbers?


While there’s no single function designed specifically to split text and numbers, a combination of Excel’s string functions like LEFT, MID, RIGHT, FIND, and LEN can be used effectively for this purpose. Alternatively, Text to Columns and VBA scripts offer more direct solutions.

Is there a way to extract all numbers from a mixed string even if they are spread out?


Yes, using an array formula with TEXTJOIN and MID functions can capture all numeric characters from any position within the string. Additionally, a VBA macro with regular expressions can efficiently extract all numbers, even those scattered throughout the text.

Related Terms:

  • excel find number within string
  • extract digits from string excel
  • extract numbers from alphanumeric string

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